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Table 1 Descriptive statistics of all study variables

From: Bullying in school and cyberspace: Associations with depressive symptoms in Swiss and Australian adolescents


Australian sample

(n = 1259-1307)

Swiss sample

(n = 369-373)






Being a bully-victim a

19 (2.8%)

27 (4.4%)

5 (2.5%)

9 (5.2%)

Being a victim a

66 (9.6%)

55 (9.1%)

22 (11.1%)

24 (13.8%)

Being a bully a

29 (4.2%)

70 (11.5%)

23 (11.6%)

31 (17.8%)


(range 0-4)

Mean = .14

SD = .406

Median = 0

Mean = .14

SD = .446

Median = 0

Mean = .03

SD = .152

Median = 0

Mean = .10

SD = .320

Median = 0


(range 0-4)

Mean = .18

SD = .485

Median = 0

Mean = .12

SD = .452

Median = 0

Mean = .08

SD = .218

Median = 0

Mean = .08

SD = .289

Median = 0

Depressive symptoms

(range 0-3)

Mean = .34

SD = .630

Median = .05

Mean = .35

SD = .670

Median = .04

Mean = .59

SD = .637

Median = .37

Mean = .34

SD = .449

Median = .13

  1. aNumbers (percentages) of students within each country, (traditional bully-victim categories defined according to involvement in bullying behaviours once a week or more often in the past 3 months).