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Table 1 Module contents

From: Preliminary efficacy of a transdiagnostic parent-led internet-delivered intervention for children with anxiety and depressive symptoms: a pilot randomized controlled trial

Module name


Module content

Module 1. Introduction

Psychoeducation regarding the program

Introduction to ParentKIT

Review information regarding the program, therapeutic orientation

Identify program goals

Module 2. Anxiety disorders

Psychoeducation regarding anxiety disorders

Present the difference between fear and anxiety

Present symptoms of different anxiety disorders

Present causes of anxiety disorders

Discuss the role of parental factors in anxiety disorders

Module 3. Depressive disorders

Psychoeducation regarding depressive disorders

Present the difference between sadness and depression, how depressive disorders can be recognized

Present causes of depressive disorders

Discuss the role of parental factors in depressive disorders

Module 4. Treatment options

Psychoeducation regarding existent treatment options

Learn about evidence based treatments

Present NICE guidelines recommendations for anxiety and depressive disorders treatment in children

Module 5. Relaxation

Breathing and relaxation exercises

Present the role of relaxation exercises

Learn breathing and relaxation exercises

Create a relaxation plan to implement with the child

Module 6. Adaptive behaviors

Behavioral activation and exposure

Create an exposure hierarchy

Present the relationship between involvement in activities and depressive symptoms

Module 7. Thinking patterns

Identifying, disputing and changing irrational beliefs

Learn the relationship between irrational beliefs and distress

Identify irrational beliefs

Explore techniques for challenging irrational thoughts and fostering the practice of rational thinking in children

Module 8. Problem solving

Practice problem solving

Discuss the distinction between emotional and practical problems

Learn a problem solving approach

Module 9. Prepare for future

Maintaining the progress achieved through the Internet-delivered intervention

Reflect on the strategies presented during this program

Set long-term objectives to sustain progress

Plan for future stressful situations