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Table 1 Characteristics of the adolescents (N = 861)

From: Childhood adversity and psychopathology: the dimensions of timing, type and chronicity in a population-based sample of high-risk adolescents


Male n = 414a

Female n = 447a

Age, years

14.87 (14.35, 15.30)

14.84 (14.33, 15.26)

Ethnic origin


308 (77%)

338 (78%)


90 (23%)

94 (22%)

Net monthly household income, euro’s

 < 1599€

47 (12%)

51 (12%)


57 (15%)

72 (17%)


192 (50%)

209 (50%)

 > 4400€

91 (23%)

84 (21%)

Educational level

 Pre-vocational education

176 (43%)

206 (47%)

 Higher general education

82 (20%)

109 (25%)

 Pre-university education

88 (22%)

86 (18%)

 Combined educational level

42 (10%)

29 (7%)

 Special needs education

21 (5%)

13 (3%)

Urbanicity of living environmentb


255 (62%)

260 (58%)


79 (19%)

88 (20%)


80 (19%)

99 (22%)

Parental psychopathology, scorec

0.14 (0.02, 0.21)

0.18 (0.04, 0.25)

Broad adverse life eventsd

3.32 (2.00, 4.00)

3.39 (2.00, 5.00)

Physical adverse life events, numbere


107 (26%)

100 (22%)

 Age up to 3

7 (1.7%)

8 (1.8%)

 Age 4 to 8

22 (5.3%)

32 (7.2%)

 Age 9 to 12

62 (15%)

28 (6.3%)

 Age older than 12

29 (7.0%)

41 (9.2%)

  1. aMean (Interquartile range); n (%)
  2. bDefined as number of addresses per km2 surrounding home address
  3. cMeasured by the Basic Symptom Inventory
  4. dSum count of the following categories: hospitalization of the adolescent; serious illness or hospitalization of the mother, father, sibling or close friend; death in the family or outside of family; parental divorce; repeating class; switching school; extended living away from home; physical violence and sexual abuse. See Additional file 1: Table S3 for full distribution of events across age groups
  5. eSum count exclusively of physical violence and sexual abuse. Presented if either occurred in a given age group