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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of groups

From: The effects of cognitive-behavioural therapy on mood-related ruminative response style in depressed adolescents


TAU (n = 10)

CBT (n = 13)

Controls (n = 38)

Sex, male:female





15.4 (1.1)

15.2 (1.1)

14.8 (1.0)

RSPM band

4.3 (1.7)

4.2 (1.6)

4.6 (1.7)


42.5 (10.1)

43.8 (8.1)

5.1 (4.2)

RDQ rumination

30.4 (13.1)

30.1 (9.6)

8.37 (8.7)

Time between assessments in weeks, median (range)

34 (27–42)

32 (28–61)


  1. Note: Unless otherwise stated, continuous measures are presented as mean (standard deviation)
  2. TAU = group allocated to SSRI and treatment as usual; CBT = group allocated to SSRI and CBT
  3. RSPM = Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices; MFQ = Mood and Feelings Questionnaire, higher scores represent more depressive symptoms; RDQ = Responses to Depression Questionnaire, higher scores represent higher rumination.