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Table 9 Principle Components analysis of teacher rated SDQ scores in a community sample of 3 – 17 year old Chinese children (N = 1965)

From: The validity, reliability and normative scores of the parent, teacher and self report versions of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in China

Total Variance Explained

Component 1 "Prosocial" 25.6%

Component 2 "Hyper/Innatt/Conduct" 9.0%

Component 3 "Hyper/Innatt" 8.4%

Component 4 "Emotional" 5.1%

Component 5 "Peer" 4.4%

(Question number) Question


(1) Considerate











(17)Kind to kids



(20)Helps out
































































(18)Argues with adults












(11)Good friend











(23)Best with adults



  1. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
  2. Rotation converged in 10 iterations.