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Table 2 List of Exclusion Criteria

From: Child/Adolescent Anxiety Multimodal Study (CAMS): rationale, design, and methods

Exclusion Criteria


The following Axis I disorders:

These disorders require treatments not provided within the context of the CAMS trial

   • Major Depressive Disorder


   • Bipolar Disorder


   • Psychotic Disorder


   • Pervasive Developmental Disorder


   • Uncontrolled ADHD (combined or primarily hyperactive type)


   • Eating Disorders


   • Substance Use Disorders


Any Axis I disorder (excluding those mentioned above), with an ADIS CSR ≥ to the CSR of the disorders of interest (SAD, GAD, SoP)

Disorders of interest (SAD, SoP, GAD) must be the most severe and disabling conditions affecting the child

School refusal behavior characterized by missing > 25% of school days in most recent term

May require additional or different treatments

Suicidal or homicidal

Unethical to randomize to PBO

Two previous failed trials of an SSRI or a failed trial of an adequate course of CBT for the disorders of interest

Not likely to respond to study treatments; may require additional treatments

Intolerance to sertraline

Risk of side effects/adverse events

Confounding medical condition

Potential medical risk or confounding issue


Potential risk of medication effects to fetus

Child or adolescent does not speak English

Cannot complete study assessments and CBT