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Table 2 ADHD symptom severity

From: Baseline characteristics of European and non-European adult patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder participating in a placebo-controlled, randomized treatment study with atomoxetine

Variable mean ( SD)

EUR group ( N=1217)

NE group ( N=800)

Total ( N=2017)


Standardized differences

CAARS-Inv:SV Score


  ADHD Index

24.7 (4.8)

22.8 (5.1)

23.9 (5.0)



  Hyperactivity-Impulsivity Subscaleb

17.4 (5.2)

18.1 (5.0)

17.7 (5.1)



  Inattention Subscaleb

20.9 (3.6)

21.4 (3.7)

21.1 (3.7)



  Total ADHD Symptomb

38.3 (6.7)

39.6 (7.0)

38.8 (6.8)




5.2 (0.8)

4.7 (0.7)

5.0 (0.8)





  Abbreviated Total Scoreb

47.6 (14.3)

48.4 (14.1)

47.9 (14.2)



  Psychological Health Section Score

51.4 (20.9)

52.5 (19.8)

51.9 (20.5)



  Relationships Section Score

53.6 (21.2)

53.7 (19.2)

53.6 (20.4)



  Life Outlook Section Score

45.1 (17.0)

52.5 (15.5)

48.1 (16.8)



  Life Productivity Section Score

44.2 (18.1)

41.2 (19.1)

43.0 (18.6)





  UK Population-Based Index Score

0.80 (0.21)

0.84 (0.18)

0.82 (0.20)



  US Population-Based Index Score

0.84 (0.14)

0.86 (0.13)

0.85 (0.14)



Health State Score

70.0 (21.7)

75.6 (22.3)

72.2 (22.1)



  1. Abbreviations: ADHD = attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; AAQoL = adult ADHD quality of life; CAARS-Inv:SV = Conner’s adult ADHD rating scale-investigator rated: Screening Version; CGI-ADHD-S = clinical global impressions–ADHD-severity; EQ-5D = EuroQol-5 dimensions; EUR = European; N = total number of patients; NE = non-European; SD = standard deviation; UK = United Kingdom; US = United States.
  2. ap-values are from t-test.
  3. bimputed score.