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Table 2 Summary of adjusted and unadjusted logistic regression analysis for variables associated with CAPS contact in adolescents with NSSH and SA(n = 490)

From: Contact with child and adolescent psychiatric services among self-harming and suicidal adolescents in the general population: a cross sectional study

Psychosocial variables

CAPS contact n = 168

No CAPS contact n = 322

Unadjusted odds ratio (CI 95)

Adjusted odds ratio (CI 95)a

Age 14–17, mean (SD)

15.5 (0.8)

15.4 (0.9)

1.12 (0.9-1.4)


Female, n (%)

119 (70.8)

236 (73.3)

1.90 (0.8-1.7)


Non-western immigrant background, n (%)

26 (16.0)

87 (28.2)

0.49 (0.3-0.8)*

0.34 (0.2-0.6)*

Low socioeconomic status, n (%)

102 (73.4)

170 (68.8)

1.25 (0.6-1.3)


Illicit drug use, n (%)

90 (53.6)

78 (46.4)

1.72 (1.1-2.5)*

1.99 (1.1-3.0)*

Been drunk, n (%)

52 (26.6)

82 (33.5)

1.43 (0.8-2.9)


Current suicidal ideation, n (%)

94 (58.4)

169 (53.1)

1.24 (1.2-2.5)


Loneliness, n (%)

57 (35.8)

95 (31.6)

1.21 (1.1-2.7)*


No intimate friend talk to, n (%)

115 (72.4)

210 (72.2)

1.29 (0.8-1.8)


Self- perceived poor health, n (%)

44 (26.5)

54 (17.0)

1.76 (1.1-2.8)*


Depressive symptoms, mean (SD)

18.8 (4.3)

17.1 (4.8)

1.08 (1.0-1.1)**

1,08 (1.0-1.1)*

Eating problems, mean (SD)

11.4 (6.3)

9.5 (5.9)

1.05 (1.0-1.1)**

1.04 (1.0-1.1)*

Antisocial behaviours, mean (SD)

6.5 (5.4)

5.4 (4.9)

1.05 (1.0-1.1)**

  1. *Significant at p < .05. **Significant at p < .01.
  2. aStepwise forward model fit criteria procedure, variables with p < .20 entered in multivariate analyses.
  3. (n = 490).