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Table 2 Means and Standard Deviations for OBCS Subscales, DERS, and BDI by Group and Gender During Time 2

From: Non-suicidal self-injury maintenance and cessation among adolescents: a one-year longitudinal investigation of the role of objectified body consciousness, depression and emotion dysregulation


Time 2


NSSI Maintain




Males (n = 6)

Females (n = 14)

Males (n = 20)

Females (n = 20)

Males (n = 26)

Females (n = 34)


M (SD)

M (SD)

M (SD)

M (SD)

M (SD)

M (SD)

OBCS Subscales


  Body Control

3.12 (0.98)

3.47 (1.26)

2.70 (0.94)

3.84 (0.89)

2.57 (0.76)

3.02 (0.97)

  Body Shame

5.15 (1.29)

4.72 (0.99)

4.96 (1.08)

4.44 (0.81)

5.03 (1.03)

4.52 (0.73)

  Body Surveillance

4.13 (0.71)

5.36 (0.93)

3.69 (1.20)

4.62 (0.84)

3.53 (1.09)

4.16 (1.09)


5.83 (3.60)

3.43 (2.59)

2.28 (2.16)

4.11 (2.65)

1.77 (1.58)

2.88 (1.81)


20.50 (6.54)

24.63 (8.18)

11.72 (11.58)

17.50 (7.57)

6.81 (6.29)

8.56 (6.95)