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Table 2 Cross-sectional correlations between predictor variable scores and NSSII-s scores at T1 and T2, and correlations between T1 predictor variables and T2 NSSI (i.e. NSSI over 3–8 month period

From: Prevalence, correlates, and prospective predictors of non-suicidal self-injury among New Zealand adolescents: cross-sectional and longitudinal survey data


T1 predictors with T1 (lifetime) NSSI

T2 predictors with T2 (past 3-8mth) NSSI

T1 predictors with T2 NSSI

Alexithymia (TAS-20)




Self-Esteem (RSE)




Adaptive use of emotions (Schutte)



-.10 ns

Anxiety (SAS)




Depression (SDS)








Mindfulness (CAMS-R)




Impulsivity (BIS II)




Bullying (PRQ)



.12 ns

Sexuality concerns




Substance abuse




Abuse history




  1. Note: To address the issue of inflated family-wise error associated with multiple tests, a Bonferroni correction was applied. All correlations significant unless suffixed + (adjusted p = <.10) or ns (adjusted p non-significant)