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Table 2 Number (%) of current and lifetime regulatory problems according to the original interview data (rater 1)

From: Inter-rater reliability and acceptance of the structured diagnostic interview for regulatory problems in infancy


Regulatory problems (%)


Sleeping I (settling at bedtime)

Sleeping II (through the night)

Severe form of sleeping II

Excessive crying


1 (0.76)

8 (6.1)

26 (19.7)

19 (14.4)

2 (1.5)


2 (1.5)

22 (16.7)

42 (31.8)

31 (23.5)

27 (20.5)

  1. Of the displayed data, infants met criteria for comorbid diagnoses with two (current: 17, lifetime: 29), three (current: 2, lifetime: 11) and four (current: 0, lifetime: 1) diagnoses. Every infant who met the criteria for the severe form of sleeping problems met also the criteria for the not severe form of sleeping problems