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Box 2 Description of calculation of the adjusted HOME Inventory for the Tanzanian site

From: Determinants of early child development in rural Tanzania

HOME category



Emotional and verbal responsivity

Caregiver tells the child the name of some object or says the name of a person or object in a teaching style during the visit. (0–1)

Caregiver’s speech is distinct, clear, and audible. (0–1)

Caregiver initiates verbal exchanges with the observer—asks questions, makes spontaneous comments. (0–1)

Caregiver expresses ideas freely and easily, and uses statements of appropriate length for conversation (i.e., gives more than brief answers). (0–1)

Caregiver spontaneously praises child’s qualities or behavior at least twice during visit. (0–1)

Caregiver shows some positive emotional response or praise to the child offered by the observer. (0–1)

Caregiver smiles at the child or laughs with the child. (0–1)



When the primary caregiver is away, care is provided by one of three regular substitutes. (0–1)

The child has a special place to keep his toys and “treasures.” (0–1)

The child’s play area is relatively safe and free from hazards. (0–1)

The stove is located in a relatively safe area. (0–1)

The house is relatively light. (0–1)

The house is relatively ventilated. (0–1)

The house is relatively clean. (0–1)

The house is relatively neat and orderly. (0–1)



The caregiver sings to the child everyday. (0–1)

The family visits or receives visits from relatives at least once per month. (0–1)

The family visits or receives visits from close friends at least once per month. (0–1)


Cleanliness of child

The child is relatively clean, with no offensive odor. (0–1)

The child’s hair is relatively clean. (0–1)

The child’s clothes are relatively clean. (0–1)
