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Table 3 Summary of costs (EURO) and effects at follow-up assessment (71 weeks)

From: Cost-effectiveness of dialectical behaviour therapy vs. enhanced usual care in the treatment of adolescents with self-harm


Total costs

Outpatient costs

Number of self-harm episodes

Change in CGAS score

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)


22,107 (13,358)

21,217 (10,906)

15.0 (17.5)

10.4 (13.4)


29,912 (40,179)

19,504 (14,291)

37.5 (52.9)

6.3 (14.9)


Mean (CI 95%)

Mean (CI 95%)

Mean (CI 95%)

Mean (CI 95%)

Group differences

− 7805 (− 21,622 to 6012)

1713 (− 4049 to 7475)

− 22.5 (− 40.6 to − 4.3)

4.1 (− 2.3 to 10.6)

ICER, total costs/self-harm



ICER, outpatient costs/self-harm

− 76a


ICER, total costs/CGAS

− 1904b

  1. a Cost difference in EURO per reduction of one self-harm episode
  2. b Cost difference in EURO per one point improvement in CGAS score (global functioning)