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Table 2 Description of training characteristics

From: Child and adolescent psychiatry training in Nepal: early career psychiatrists’ perspective


n (%)

Type of CAP training receiving or received

 E-learning/online training

7 (9.3)

 Clinical postings

38 (50.7)

 Group discussions

28 (37.3)

 Case presentations

47 (62.7)

 Minimal or no formal training

25 (33.3)

Dedicated CAP unit or department in the place of training or work


23 (29.9)


54 (70.1)

No of CAP patients seen per week


3 (3.9)

 One to ten

48 (62.3)

 Ten to twenty

19 (24.7)

 More than twenty

7 (9.1)

How often are childhood psychiatric disorders suspected

 Always suspected

5 (6.5)

 Often suspected

51 (66.2)

 Sometimes suspected

21 (27.3)