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Table 2 Description of the sample (n = 38)

From: Extended treatment of multimodal cognitive behavioral therapy in children and adolescents with obsessive–compulsive disorder improves symptom reduction: a within-subject design

Age in years: mean (SD), range

13.28 (3.56), 6.50–20.17

Male gender: n (%)

16 (42.1)

OCD diagnosis: n (%)

38 (100)

 • Predominantly obsessional thoughts or ruminations (F42.0)

3 (7.9)

 • Predominantly compulsive acts, obsessional rituals (F42.1)

8 (21.1)

 • Mixed obsessional thoughts and acts (F42.2)

27 (71.1)

OCD severity (CY-BOCS-D rating scale total score): mean (SD), range

25.05 (4.26), 17–33

Comorbid diagnoses: n (%)

9 (23.7)

 • Mild or moderate depressive episode (F32.0, F32.1)

5 (13.2)

 • Attention deficit disorder (F98.8)

2 (5.3)

 • Combined vocal and multiple motor tic disorder (F95.2)

1 (2.6)

 • Separation anxiety disorder of childhood (F93.0)

1 (2.6)

OCD-specific medication: n (%)

4 (10.5)