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Table 1 Mean and median scores for symptom scales and subscales

From: Age and environmental factors predict psychological symptoms in adolescent refugees during the initial post-resettlement phase

YSR Scale (Score range)

Mean (SD)

Md (IQR)

Zeros—n (%)

Syndrome scales

 Anxious/depressed (0–26)

2.64 (2.20)

2 (1–4)

13 (16.7)

 Withdrawn/depressed (0–16)

1.79 (1.90)

1 (0–3)

27 (34.6)

 Somatic complaints (0–20)

1.41 (2.03)

0 (0–2.25)

41 (52.6)

 Social problems (0–22)

1.64 (1.64)

1 (0–3)

26 (33.3)

 Thought problems (0–24)

0.97 (1.47)

0 (0–2)

44 (56.4)

 Attention problems (0–18)

2.29 (2.35)

2 (0–3)

22 (28.2)

 Rule-breaking behaviour (0–30)

1.26 (1.55)

1 (0–2)

29 (37.2)

 Aggressive behaviour (0–34)

2.41 (2.72)

2 (0–4)

25 (32.1)

 Internalising problemsa (0–62)

5.85 (4.77)

4 (2–9.25)

6 (7.7)

 Externalising problemsb (0–64)

3.67 (3.82)

3 (1–5)

16 (20.5)

 Total problemsc (0–224)

16.35 (12.75)

12 (7–22.5)

1 (1.3)

DSM-oriented scales

 Depressive problems (0–26)

1.73 (2.00)

1 (0–3)

30 (38.5)

 Anxiety problems (0–18)

1.95 (1.93)

2 (0–3)

24 (30.8)

 Somatic problems (0–14)

0.85 (1.43)

0 (0–1)

48 (61.5)

 Attention deficit problems (0–14)

2.00 (1.87)

2 (0–3)

23 (29.5)

 Oppositional defiance problems (0–10)

1.05 (1.42)

0 (0–2)

43 (55.1)

 Conduct problems (0–30)

1.04 (1.66)

0.5 (0–2)

39 (50.0)

Obsessive compulsive problems (0–16)

1.87 (1.72)

2 (0–3)

21 (26.9)


 Hyperarousal (7–28)

8.09 (1.81)

7 (7–9)

46 (59.0)

 Intrusive (6–24)

6.59 (1.17)

6 (6–7)

55 (70.5)

 Avoidance/numbing (9–36)

11.82 (3.71)

10.50 (9–13)

34 (43.6)

 RATS (PTSD) total (22–88)

26.50 (5.47)

24 (22–29.3)

25 (32.1)

  1. acomprises Anxious/Depressed, Withdrawn/Depressed and Somatic Complaints scales
  2. bcomprises Rule-breaking and Aggressive behaviour
  3. csum of all YSR items