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Table 4 Items measured the physical maltreatment among responding students.

From: Prevalence and determinants of child maltreatment among high school students in Southern China: A large scale school based survey

Non-violent behaviors

   Your parents put you in "time out" (or send you to your room).

   Your parents take away privileges or ground you?

   Your parents threaten to spank or hit you but did not actually do it.

   Your parents shout, yell or scream at you.

   Your parents swore or curse at you.

   Your parents call you dumb or lazy or some other names like that.

   Your parents say that they would send you away or kick you out of the house.

Corporal punishment

   Your parents spank you on the bottom with their bare hands.

   Your parents hit you on the bottom with something like a belt, ruler, a stick, sweeper or some other hard object.

   Your parents slap you on the hand, arm, or leg.

   Your parents pinch you.

   Your parents shake/push you.

Severe assaults

   Your parents slap you on the face or head or ears

   Your parents hit you on some other part of the body besides the bottom with something like a belt, ruler, a stick, sweeper or some other hard object

   Your parents throw or knock you down

   Your parents hit you with a fist or kick you hard

Very severe assaults

   Your parents beat you up, that is they hit you over and over as hard as they could.

   Your parents grab you around the neck and choke you.

   Your parents burn or scald you on purpose.

   Your parents threaten you with a knife or other weapons.

   Your parents immerse your head in water or other inflicted injury with sharp objects, e.g. knife or broken glasses.