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Table 3 Mean Difference in LS Means (95% CI) for SKAMP Scales by Optimized Dose Group*

From: A 13-hour laboratory school study of lisdexamfetamine dimesylate in school-aged children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

LDX Dose Group



Quality of Work


30 mg/d (n = 46)






(-0.88, -0.52)

(-0.79, -0.40)

(-0.78, -0.42)

(-0.87, -0.59)

50 mg/d (n = 47)






(-0.84, -0.52)

(-0.78, -0.45)

(-0.81, -0.54)

(-0.86, -0.62)

70 mg/d (n = 20)






(-1.30, -0.63)

(-1.15, -0.64)

(-0.94, -0.42)

(-1.24, -0.74)

  1. LDX: lisdexamfetamine dimesylate; LS: least squares; SKAMP: Swanson, Kotkin, Agler, M-Flynn, and Pelham scale; D: deportment; A: attention; CI: confidence interval
  2. *Negative scores indicate improvement relative to placebo.