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Table 2 Details about the yoga program mentioning a three day sequence which was repeated throughout the three months

From: Effect of yoga or physical exercise on physical, cognitive and emotional measures in children: a randomized controlled trial

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Sl. no.

Yoga practice


Yoga practice


Yoga practice




2 min.


2 min.


2 min.

Sukhasana (Easy posture) + Gayatri Mantra

Padmasana (Lotus posture) + Mahamrityunjaya Mantra

Siddhasana (Perfect posture) + Prarthana Mantra

2. (i)


180 strokes/ 3 min.


180 strokes/ 3 min.


180 strokes/ 3 min.

Kapalabhati (High frequency yoga breathing)

Kapalabhati (High frequency yoga breathing)

Kapalabhati (High frequency yoga breathing)


Bhastrika (Bellows breathing)

36-50 strokes/ 3 min.

Bhastrika (Bellows breathing)

36-50 strokes/ 3 min.

Bhastrika (Bellows breathing)

36-50 strokes/ 3 min.


Ujjayi (Victorious breathing)

5-10 rounds/ 3 min.

Ujjayi (Victorious breathing)

5-10 rounds/ 3 min.

Ujjayi (Victorious breathing)

5-10 rounds/ 3 min.


Surya Namaskara (Sun salutation)

4 rounds/ 4 min.

Surya Namaskara (Sun salutation)

6 rounds/ 4 min.

Surya Namaskara (Sun salutation)

8 rounds/ 4 min.



12-15 rounds/ 3 min.


12-15 rounds/ 3 min.


12-15 rounds/ 3 min.

Anulom-vilom (Alternate nostril breathing)

Anulom-vilom (Alternate nostril Breathing)

Anulom-vilom (Alternate nostril Breathing)


Bhramari (Bumble bee breathing)

10-15 rounds/ 3 min.

Bhramari (Bumble bee breathing)

10-15 rounds/ 3 min.

Bhramari (Bumble bee breathing)

10-15 rounds/ 3 min.


Udgeeth (OM chanting)

8-10 rounds/ 3 min.

Udgeeth (OM chanting)

8-10 rounds/ 3 min.

Udgeeth (OM chanting)

8-10 rounds/ 3 min.









Sitting postures:

5 min.

Sitting postures:

5 min.

Sitting postures:

5 min.

Butterfly Pose (for warm up), Padmasana (Lotus posture) , Vajrasana (Diamond posture),Sasankasana (Rabbit posture) , Singhasana (Lion posture)

Butterfly Pose (for warm up), Ardha Ustrasana (Half camel posture), Gomukhasana (Cow’s face posture), Paschimottanasana (Back stretching posture), Singhasana (Lion posture)

Butterfly Pose (for warm up), Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half spinal twist) (both sides) , Gomukhasana (Cow’s face posture), Singhasana (Lion posture)


Prone postures:

4 min.

Prone postures:

4 min.

Prone postures:

4 min.

Makarasana (Crocodile posture), Balasana (Child posture), Bhujaangasana (Cobra posture), Dhanurasana (Bow posture)

Balasana (Child posture), Bhujaangasana (Cobra posture), Dhanurasana (Bow posture) Salabhasana (Locust posture)

Makarasana (Crocodile posture), Bhujaangasana (Cobra posture), Dhanurasana (Bow posture), Mayurasana (Peacock posture)


Supine postures:

4 min.

Supine postures:

4 min.

Supine postures:

4 min.

Uttana padasana (Raised legs posture), Pavanamuktasana, Naukasana (Boat posture)

Uttana padasana (Raised legs posture), Pavanamuktasana Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand posture), Halasana (Plough posture)

Uttana padasana (Raised legs posture), Naukasana (Boat posture), Halasana (Plough posture), Chakrasana (Wheel posture)


Standing postures:

5 min.

Standing postures:

5 min.

Standing postures:

5 min.

(side bending and twisting as warm up) Tadasana (Palm tree posture), Tiryak Tadasana (Swaying palm tree posture), Vrikshasana (Tree posture), Garudasana (Eagle posture), Konasana (Angle posture)

(side bending and twisting as warm up) Tadasana (Palm tree posture), Tiryak Tadasana (Swaying palm tree posture), Ardha chakrasana (Half wheel posture), Padhastasana (Forward bending posture), Konasana (Angle posture)

(side bending and twisting as warm up) Tadasana (Palm tree posture), Tiryak Tadasana (Swaying palm tree posture) Veerbhadrasana (Warrior posture), Ardha chakrasana (Half wheel posture), Padhastasana (Forward bending posture


For relaxation:

3 min.

For relaxation:

3 min.

For relaxation:

3 min.

Savasana (Corpse posture), Hasyasana (Laughter yoga)

Yoganidra (Yogic sleep), Hasyasana (Laughter yoga)

Savasana (Corpse posture), Hasyasana (Laughter yoga)

Total timings

45 minutes

Total timings

45 minutes

Total timings

45 minutes