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Archived Comments for: Child psychiatry services in Asia: evolving state of affairs?

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  1. Correction to article

    Neisha Jobanputra, BioMed Central

    23 September 2015

    Posted on behalf of Choon Guan Lim and Benedetto Vitiello

    Since the publication of this editorial, there has been a deviation of the published papers for the thematic series from what was originally planned.  Two corrections will thus need to be made to the editorial as follows.

    Firstly, the third sentence from the last paragraph “Drs. Malhotra and Padhy present the general approach to child and adolescent mental illness in India, and discuss the challenges of providing care in the current context” should be deleted.

    Finally, within the penultimate sentence of the editorial “It will be interesting to compare the impact of the different socio-economic development and cultures on the development of child and adolescent psychiatry services in China, India and Singapore, and learn how each manages the complex task of improving care” should read “It will be interesting to compare the impact of the different socio-economic development and cultures on the development of child and adolescent psychiatry services in China and Singapore, and learn how each manages the complex task of improving care”.

    Competing interests

    None declared
