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Table 3 Dichotomized descriptive psychosocial and mental health characteristics as young adults (T4) in different bullying involved groups in adolescence (Total N = 1266)

From: The long-term effects of being bullied or a bully in adolescence on externalizing and internalizing mental health problems in adulthood


NNon-involved (n = 982) [%(n)]

Being bullied (n = 158) [%(n)]

Bully–victim (n = 39) [%(n)]

Aggressive toward others (n = 87) [%(n)]

Total sample (n = 1266) [%(n)]

Reduced functioning (Y/N)

40.6 (371)

55.4 (82)

44.4 (16)

44.7 (34)

39.7 (503)

Reduced leisure activities (Y/N)

6.3 (58)

10.1 (15)

2.8 (1)

13.2 (10)

6.6 (84)

Absence from school/work (Y/N)

7.9 (72)

8.8 (13)

13.9 (5)

10.5 (8)

7.7 (98)

Affected interpersonal relations (Y/N)

8.2 (75)

10.8 (16)

13.9 (5)

7.9 (6)

8.7 (102)

ASR total problem—high scorers (Y/N)a

8.1 (79)

17.1 (8)

20.5 (8)

19.5 (17)

8.8 (112)

ASR externalizing—high scorers (Y/N)a

9.3 (91)

13.9 (22)

23.1 (9)

20.7 (18)

11.1 (140)

ASR internalizing—high scorers (Y/N)a

8.2 (80)

16.5 (26)

23.1 (9)

18.4 (16)

10.3 (131)

ASR attention—high scorers (Y/N)a

9.9 (97)

12.7 (17)

23.1 (9)

19.5 (17)

11.1 (140)

ASR critical items—high scorers (Y/N)a

9.1 (89)

17.1 (27)

33.3 (13)

18.4 (16)

11.5 (145)

MFQ depressive symptoms—high scorers (Y/N)a

8.8 (86)

16.5 (26)

12.8 (5)

16.1 (14)

10.3 (131)

Received mental health help last year (Y/N)

28.2 (277)

39.2 (62)

28.2 (11)

35.6 (31)

30.1 (381)

Received mental health help earlier in life (Y/N)

33.1 (325)

48.7 (77)

38.5 (15)

41.4 (36)

35.8 (453)

Psychiatric hospitalization since T2 (Y/N)

1.5 (15)

5.1 (8)

7.7 (3)

9.2 (8)

2.7 (34)

  1. aDichotomized being a high-scorer (90th percentile) versus low-to-moderate-scorer on mental health outcomes in young adulthood