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Table 2 Clinical interpretation of scores from the ADHD-RS-IV or the SNAP-IV questionnaires

From: Effective management of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) through structured re-assessment: the Dundee ADHD Clinical Care Pathway

ADHD-RS-IV or SNAP-IV questionnaire score

(i) Pre-assessment screening

(ii) Post-treatment monitoring

Total score (range 0–54)

Mean item total scorea

Subscaleb score (range 0–27)

Mean item subscale scorea

Clinical interpretation

Clinical outcome

Clinical interpretation





ADHD unlikely. Alternative explanations for clinical presentation to be considered

Refer to other CAMHS divisions or paediatrics for assessment of non-ADHD problems OR discharge and/or refer to another agency (e.g. social work or education)

Very good/optimal response: symptoms well within normal range





May require full assessment. Decision based on clinical judgement using all available evidence

Outcome depends on qualitative assessment and clinical judgement. Full assessment is scheduled to exclude or confirm ADHD, as below. If ADHD is considered unlikely, refer to other CAMHS divisions OR discharge and/or refer to another agency, as above

Good response: symptoms within normal range but may be improved





May require full assessment. Use clinical judgement based on all available evidence

Response still clinically significant: symptoms within normal range but response probably inadequate. Need to assess other factors





ADHD likely. Needs full assessment

Conduct a full assessment (see text for details: DACCP Stage 2)

Inadequate response: many symptoms still observed. Need to assess other factors

  1. Clinical interpretation of scores from the ADHD-RS-IV, or ADHD questions from the SNAP-IV questionnaire, when used as (i) a pre-assessment screening tool or (ii) post-treatment to monitor treatment response
  2. ADHD attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, ADHD-RS-IV attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder rating scale IV, CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, DACCP Dundee ADHD Clinical Care Pathway, SNAP-IV Swanson, Nolan and Pelham-IV
  3. aCalculated by dividing the total/subscale score by the number of items (18 for the total; 9 for each subscale)
  4. bInattention or Hyperactivity/Impulsivity subscales