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Table 1 Demographic and clinical data

From: Somatic symptom and related disorders in children and adolescents: evaluation of a naturalistic inpatient multidisciplinary treatment


Mean [SD]

Sample size (n)


Female (%)



14.43 [2.0]

Duration of treatment (days)

48.15 [19.7]

Diagnostic distribution

N [%]

 A primary diagnosis

  Somatoform disorder (F45.x)

47 [78.3]

  Dissociative (conversion) disorder (F44.x)

4 [6.7]

  Other pediatric diagnosisa

9 [15]

 B comorbidities

  Depressive episode (F32.x)

27 [45]

  Phobic/other anxiety disorder (F40.x/F41.x)

24 [40]

  Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (F90.x)

22 [36.7]

  Other Fb—diagnoses

23 [38.3]

  1. a Rheumatic diseases (n = 2), migraine (n = 1), obesity (n = 5), chronic inflammatory bowel syndrome (n = 1)
  2. b Obsessive–compulsive disorder (F42.x, n = 2), reaction to severe stress and adjustment disorder (F43.x, n = 6), specific developmental disorders of scholastic skills (F81.x, n = 4), mixed disorders of conduct and emotions (F92.x, n = 1), emotional disorders with onsets specific to childhood (F93.x, n = 1), tic disorders (F95.x, n = 1), somatoform disorder (F45.x, n = 1)