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Table 3 Frequencies of overlapping diagnoses using the categorical measures and percentage values row-wise

From: Assessment of attachment disorder symptoms in foster children: comparing diagnostic assessment tools


Going off without checking back

RISE above cut-off

Yes (23)

No (32)

Yes (3)

No (52)

DAI disinhibited disorder

 Yes (17)

12 (70.6%)

5 (29.4%)

1 (5.9%)

16 (94.1%)

 No (38)

11 (28.9%)

27 (71.1%)

2 (5.3%)

36 (94.7%)

RISE above cut-off

 Yes (3)

1 (33.3%)

2 (66.7%


 No (52)

22 (42.3%)

30 (57.7%)
