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Table 2 Person: themes and sample quotes

From: Viral time capsule: a global photo-elicitation study of child and adolescent mental health professionals during COVID-19


Sample quotes (source country)

2.1 Disruption to life rhythms, family impact

Children can’t go out and enjoy the summer, can’t see their grandparents, some are dead, some are too afraid of getting the virus, they can’t see their teachers or school friends. Driving through the city, our children asked, “Wait, STOP, our school is there!, can you stop a moment so we can see it?” (Spain)

The visitor restrictions have been among the most challenging pieces of this puzzle. Knowing that family is so important and necessary for the children, for them to not feel abandoned, for them to know that they're supported, has been one of my main goals throughout this pandemic. It's very difficult to explain to them the necessity of social distancing, why we're wearing masks, why they are wearing masks. (USA)

2.2 Emotional toll, loss and death

In a matter of days we’ve gone through all the stages of grief and loss, from initial denial and isolation (“it will not happen here; it is a China and Italy problem, our health system is the best in the world”), to anger (“who’s fault is it?…human’s best friend is not the dog, it’s the scapegoat”). Then bargaining (“it is bad only if you are very old or already ill”) and then you see young healthy people dying, or having amputations due to thrombosis, or pulmonary embolisms. Then depression (“my God, it IS here, and there is nothing or little I can do”), and finally acceptance…I am not quite there yet. This reality is difficult to accept. (Spain)

This situation has in some subtle way robbed us from the absolutism of daily life. The things we took for granted are now no longer reliable. The belief that we had in the world: that optimism, that naiveté, have been taken away. And we are terrified. Death was a distant and abstract entity. The COVID pandemic in no time has collectively given us a reality check and here we are, perplexed…Truth came very abruptly: the truth of our mortality, our vulnerability, our feeble existence in the face of this adversity. It reminds me of something I read years ago: “Just when I have all the right cards, everyone else stars playing chess”. We thought we had figured it all out. (Pakistan)

2.3 Positives of the pandemic

Family, family, family. Every cloud has a silver lining. (Brazil)

It may be self-indulgent to say so, but when again will I have all this time to make productive use of? It Is remarkable how much time I’ve reclaimed just by not having to run around from one physical location to another. (Israel)