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Table 1 Summary of results

From: Relational security: conceptualization and operationalization in small-scale, strengths-based, community-embedded youth justice facilities

1. How is relational security conceptualized in a youth justice setting?

1.1 Basic attitude staff: connection with and attunement to each individual youth

1.2 Constructive alliance between staff and youth

1.3 Staff presence

2. How does relational security contribute to safety in a youth justice setting?

2.2 Staff physical presence: prevention, intervention and support

2.3 Staff’s insight and understanding of youth

2.4 Youth’s (self-)insight

2.5 Youth’s motivation to take responsibility and empowerment

2.6 Positive interactions between staff and youth

2.7 Positive interactions between youth

2.8 Constructive institutional climate

2.9 Relational security promotes positive youth development