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Table 2 Themes and subthemes identified in the study

From: “A turn in the road, but still a rough journey” - Parent and child perspectives of outcomes after pre-adolescent inpatient psychiatric admission

Theme 1: “A turn in the road”

Inpatient admission seen as the catalyst for positive outcomes

Theme 2: “Still a rough journey”

Ongoing difficulties after discharge from inpatient admission

Subtheme 1.1 Improved functioning after inpatient discharge, with knowledge of diagnosis

Subtheme 2.1 Minimal improvement of children lacking diagnosis

Subtheme 1.2 Improved functioning after inpatient discharge, when equipped with cognitive and behavioural skills

Subtheme 2.2 Lingering problems despite improvement

Subtheme 1.3 Change to appropriate school associated with positive outcomes

Subtheme 2.3 Regression associated with transition to mainstream secondary school

Subtheme 1.4 Development of relationships with peers related to positive outcomes

Subtheme 2.4 Lack of peer relationships associated with negative outcomes

Subtheme 1.5 Sustained progress associated with continuation of psychiatric follow-up care and medication

Subtheme 2.5 Negative outcomes associated with discontinuation of psychiatric follow-up care and medication

Subtheme 1.6 Improved relationships with parents after inpatient discharge, related to positive outcomes